Tips for Cold-Weather Camping

Winter camping isn’t the most popular form of a camping in North America, and for fairly good and obvious reasons. Of course, it depends on whether the camping is in a part of the country that actually has a winter but camping in traditional winter conditions doesn’t normally offer much.

The trees are bare, the sky is gloomy and, of course, it is very cold. As with many things though, there are some very honorable exceptions. Nevertheless, it is generally good advice to avoid the winter if you’re going camping or hiking in the areas – typically mountainous and forested – which see a typical winter.

This advice certainly does not automatically translate to the opposite advice – that you should always go camping in the summer. In fact, fall camping in North America has a great deal to recommend it. Many people find fall by far the most beautiful time to appreciate nature. The leaves are golden brown, the grasslands are still green, the irritating effects of a large insect presence are generally ameliorated, and the weather is pretty amenable to breaking a sweat and going for long hikes. 

However, while that weather might be perfect when you’re exerting yourself, when it comes time to set up your campsite and settle for the night, you’re going to have to tackle the cold. 

Fall Camping 

Much depends on where you go, but fall camping brings with it the challenge of finding the most beautiful spot for camping which is also bearable for sleeping. Considering that most of the most beautiful spots for camping and hiking in fall-colored nature are typically quite a bit above sea level, it is probably the case that you simply cannot avoid the cold.

Not only do you need to bring your usual provisions, but also a ton of extra stuff for keeping warm. This does not just involve more large and bulky sleeping materials, but a bulkier tent and the apparatus to set up a warm campfire at night. You are also simply going to have to bring more clothing. Rollercam, suppliers of cambuckle down tie straps and similar such devices advise that you have the means to transport all this stuff as well. 

So, we can agree that fall camping is a challenge, but then camping is always a challenge and that’s part of the fun of it. Fail to prepare for cold fall night on the trail, however, and you could find your trip ends up being no fun at all. 

Tips for Cold Weather Camping 

The best advice, of course, is to research the place you are going to and to plan accordingly. Here are some elementary tips to follow:

Bring a Wind-Proof Stove 

Bringing a wind proof stove is the only way you can cook something hot for dinner. And cooking something hot for dinner is one of the best ways to stay warm and nourished. Nevertheless, if the wind is blowing out your stove, you could be in trouble. 

Bring a Vented Tent

This involves nothing more complicated than simply bringing the right tent for the weather. Generally speaking, though, you want an airflow in your tent, as this is one of the best ways of keeping it warm inside. 

Snack Often

It isn’t just that hot food keeps you warm – any food keeps you warm. Or, better put, calories equal warmth. This provides the energy your body needs to regulate its temperature properly and will help it generate its own heat.

It would be a terrible shame to spoil the great beauty of fall in this part of the world by being constantly cold. Plan accordingly, however, and you have nothing to worry about.

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